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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

So its not Wedneday :( lol

Did you ever get up in the morning and think oh thank god its _______day? 
Well I did this morning, I thought wow, its Wednesday I only have to do 30 mins of XT, so I will ride my bike tonight in the NOT SO HUMID WEATHER.
WRONGGGGGGGGGG, today is only Tuesday, but thankfully I only had to do a 2 EASY MILE run today.
So I met Nicole and Maria on D.D. (Diva Drive we renamed the street lol) and we busted out 2 easy mile, It felt good to do an easy run, not out of breath, of course my head was telling me I should have run faster but NO I am following this 14 week schedule to the best possible ability I can and I will not over do it this time around.

Now, Danielle, lol, TOMORROW is Wednesday so tomorrow I will bike.
Going to enjoy the rest of my day relaxing while the kids do their reading and writing practice, and then the mommy taxi begins again tonight with softball practice.
Have a great day
See ya real soon,


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