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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Juy 19th

Good morning all,

Had a good night last night watching ToniAnn play softball, they won and they are off to States, rumor is, Albany, ack!!! Slept in this morning, felt good but had to jump outta bed and go for my run because its off to another softball game for Nicole now....Almost done with week 3, 1 more day to go!!!
Did my 3 miles r/w with intervals, I am really enjoying running with intervals, I really didn't think I would be able to keep my distance/pace/timing the same or close to it, but so far it has proved to work.  Ran with two little rug-rats, love them but they are a but of a distraction on their bikes, weaving in and out around me, ack!!!
 Now its off to a softball game!!!

Enjoy the day everyone, see ya real soon

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