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Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 12th

Good humid morning! ;)
Did my 3 mile run this morning started off good not so hot but by mile 2 I started to feel the humidity, passed my friends Sarah's house and she ran out with a bottle of water for me, thank you Sarah.  Love seeing my diva friends while out running, I get such a running boost!!
Tried out my new APPS the first one, Nike+, I clicked too fast so I couldn't add the picture to the miles etc. so I tried the second app, FitSnip and here is the picture, figured I take a picture of my feet because I am sure you're all getting tired of my sweaty face lol
1 more day of training 2 week left.....ooohh man am I going to dread it when the miles increase.
Have a happy day today

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