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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15th

Good morning
What a gloomy morning, hot and humid to :(  week 3 started today!!
I was NOT feeling inspired to run this morning, woke up moody but I forced myself since I might be rained out tomorrow and I would kick myself if I didn't get it in today.  So I did my 3 miles with a run/walk interval of a ratio of 5:1, that's 5 mins. running and 1 min. walking, and I still finished in under 30 mins. Not bad!!! I really like running with intervals, I don't know why I never done it before, I have to force myself to stop running though when the beep tells me to walk, so what I've been doing instead of totally going from running to a dead walk, I will do a very slow trot, that seems to help me especially when I need to pick up the pace again when the beep tells me to run.
So after my run as I was driving home from DIVA DRIVE lol, I saw a young lady in her 20's with headphones on and she looked like she had been running, she was just sitting on the sidewalk and as I drove passed her I thought, maybe she needs help, so I made a quick u-turn, asked if she was ok and if she needed a bottle of water, she replied she was fine and gave me a big smile and a thank you.
That made me feel like my run was worth it today. :)

smiles and love to all, enjoy this ugly day
See ya real soon


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